Vladimir Putin waged this war in Ukraine to affect the U.S. midterm election and the Presidential election in 2024. Putin’s plan to destabilize Ukraine and discourage them from joining NATO or the European Union has backfired in spectacular fashion. So, why does he continue this aggression in Ukraine? Putin is seeing inflation skyrocket in the U.S., in large part due to high gas prices that his war is further inflaming and continued supply chain issues affecting the global economy, but the U.S. economy especially.

These economic burdens in the U.S. could seriously jeopardize President Biden’s party in the midterms, putting control of Congress at risk. If these economic issues persist beyond 2022, President Biden’s chances for re-election in 2024 could suffer huge damage. This is precisely what Vladimir Putin wants.

So, it’s clear that Putin’s primary goal is to oust Biden from the White House and put Donald Trump back in the Oval Office with a Republican-Controlled Congress at his disposal. This result achieves multiple purposes for Russia. First, helping Trump get back in the Oval Office, helps Russia avoid further U.S. sanctions and will probably roll back the current sanctions already in place. Second, any insertion of Trump back in D.C. would cause a rift between the U.S. & Europe. The U.S. would also experience tension with the rest of the Western Hemisphere. Putin’s secondary goal is to simply decimate Ukraine to the point where the country is uninhabitable. Vladimir Putin’s big lie for this war was that he was purging Ukraine from Nazis. This man must be stopped or we will have a 21st Century Hitler on our hands. The irony is jaw-dropping.